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New Year’s Day Announcement

Writer's picture: Scarlet Fire AstrologyScarlet Fire Astrology

2024 is a year where we will want to hit the ground running. Last year, if you recall, was more primed for a later start. That is not how this year is going to be. The first third of this year is a most advantageous time for putting in the work!

After spending time in meditation on the astrology of 2024 it occurred to me that this is going to be a Jupiter year. Jupiter is making the majority of the key outer planetary alignments this year. The first third of which are very auspicious.

If you are around my age (born in 1977) or are near the age of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, or 96 you will also be experiencing your Jupiter return soon which only increases your opportunity for blessings to be bestowed upon you. There are also a multitude of potential Jupiter aspects to take into consideration at any given time. Everyone’s individual birth chart also offers natal aspects to Jupiter that individualizes exactly how and when luck is bestowed upon them as well as where they have the potential to overdo. Jupiters expansive energy is mostly positive but can also be expressed as too much of a good thing.

It’s important to know how the upcoming Jupiter transits of 2024 will impact each of us individually in order to get the most out of them. April 20th offers a transit that is a once in a lifetime type of thing. Jupiter and Uranus connect every 14 years but this time it’s in Taurus stimulating the material plane. Think property, investments, entrepreneurship, growth, finances, abundance, values, self-worth and sensuality.

For perspective the last time this occurred was in 2011 only at that time it was in Pisces. We can think back to how this might have shown up in our lives with Piscean flavor. It will next occur in 2037 in Cancer.

📣 Now for the really exciting part! In light of all this I’m offering a couple small group coaching sessions in January.  One in person and one virtual session are currently available for four participants each.

These sessions will allow each person to receive individualized input on how they can utilize this opportunity for their benefit. The group offering is much cheaper than individual coaching. Plus the small group atmosphere will add an additional layer of comprehension and support to the experience.

✅ Details:

This two hour group coaching session of four participants will begin with a brief overview of the transits and how we can harness them for manifestation and growth. We will then look at each person’s individual chart and identify:

  • Where the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction will impact their life individually.

  • Discuss each individual’s own natal Jupiter placement and how this colors their life and plays into this year’s Jupiter transits.

  • Highlight additional 2024 transit Jupiter aspects and their impact on the individual charts.

  • As a bonus we will examine where the Spring Eclipses are in each individual’s chart and how this plays into the Jupiter transits.

  • As an additional bonus we will Identify each participant’s Human Design Type and discuss how working in alignment with our design can increase success.

  • Participants will also receive 50% off coupon code to schedule an additional reading of their choice at a big discount.

  • In person participants will have the option to purchase my powerful Eclipse Ritual Kit during the session for the discounted price of $26.

  • In person participants also will enjoy refreshments & fellowship

💬 For the in-person session the first four to respond to this email will secure their spot

💵 Cash price of $35 is paid the date of

💻 If you wish to pay via PayPal the cost is $38.

🛜 Additionally four virtual spots are available for another date and can be booked for $38 here

📋 I will be offering a wait list if there is more interest than spots. If there is enough additional interest I will consider adding more group sessions in February.

🙋🏻‍♀️If you have a private group of four and would like to arrange a session together please contact me directly to discuss this option.

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